Sukute Meet Solidified UCPN-Maoist


April 8, 2011, 5:45 p.m. Published in Magazine Issue: Vol. : 04 No.-20 April 08-2011 (Chaitra 25,2067)

The recent meeting in Sukute, Sindhupalchwok, has been able to settle all political differences within the United Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist. This may be a major setback for feudal monarchists and foreign elements that have made all out efforts to weaken UCPN-Maoist. In a living party like UCPN-Maoist, it is natural to see some sort of differences of opinion but such differences cannot split the party as wished for by pro-monarchist and pro-reactionary forces. Of course, there were delays in the process of decision making in some stage, yet our party’s standing committee meeting has taken a number of decisions including on the names to represent the party in the cabinet and the convention of Trade Union Federation.

One of the important aspects of the recently concluded standing committee meeting is that it conveyed the message that no one can split UCPN-Maoist which fought such a long people’s war to secure the rights of oppressed, marginalized and ethnic communities in Nepal. Reactionaries, deposed monarchists and foreign forces can dream to see a split in our party. I don’t think their dream will ever be fulfilled.  All the political forces that joined hands to abolish monarchy and make Nepal a federal, secular democratic nation need to be cautious about hidden designs of feudal forces. Realizing all this, our party leaders gave a message that the sacrifice and contribution made by more than 15,000 martyrs will not be wasted.

From the very beginning of our party joining the peace process, some forces have made efforts to split our revolutionary party to block the reforms and change. However, our party leaders have been able to crush all conspiracies hatched against Loktantra. I am proud to say that our party leaders have strongly expressed their commitments to the unity of the party. Taking part in the discussions, they have pleaded the need for party unity. All of them know that any split in the party will harm not only them but the whole movement of Loktantra and republic. Nepal’s traditional forces including monarchists are yet to accept the fact that their wish to restore the monarchy is just a day dream. People have already abolished the monarchy and no Nepalese wants to see this feudal institution coming back. We know that monarchists and families of former King have been making efforts to come back. Our party’s message of strong unity foiled all kinds of such possibility.

The standing committee meeting also suggested the way to overcome the disputes in trade union and labor problems. There are certain problems and misunderstandings in our trade union but it is not as bad as it was projected in the local media. Media have been making every effort to harm our party and encourage the split but one must not forget that our’s is a revolutionary party and it was established on the basis of ideology. Unlike other parties, UCPN-Maoist workers and leaders have a long history of sacrifice and struggle. This is the reason they know the ways to settle the problems.

Our standing committee meeting also reiterated the party’s commitment to promulgate the new constitution of Federal Republic of Nepal by end of May. The party also decided to start the negotiations and discussions with all the major political parties. We will again talk with Nepali Congress leadership and urge them to join the government. We don’t want extension of tenure of Constituent Assembly but want to have a new constitution in time. This is the reason our standing committee urged other political parties to support the efforts to write the constitution. Although we have a little more than two months left to write the new constitution but the time is still enough to write any constitution. What is required is the commitment from all the forces. If we delay the constitution writing process, it will benefit only the reactionary, feudal, monarchist and other hostile elements. Since republic and federalism is our party’s agenda, we cannot compromise with anybody on these. Our party is ready to go for necessary struggle against any move against republic and federalism.

The question of integration is a very important part of the peace process. Constitution writing is also another important element. Both the important components need to go side by side. We cannot pursue the integration without promulgation of new constitution. If we decide to integrate our People’s Army, we doubt that the new constitution will be promulgated. Our standing committee has a clear cut message and stand on this. Our party is committed to peace process and promulgation of new constitution and we cannot unilaterally integrate our forces without promulgation of new constitution. Nepali Congress is unnecessarily harping on this agenda and creating trouble in the peace making process. At a time when all regressive and monarchist forces are hatching conspiracies against the achievements made by People’s Movement II, Nepali Congress party’s uncooperative stand is supporting none other than such forces. As an ally of Janandolan II, Nepali Congress will ultimately support us and join the government to foil hostile activities of monarchists and feudal forces.

Our party has taken a clear stand since the Gurkha Plenum that if there is a necessity we will go for the rebellion. This official line was endorsed by the plenum and we abide by this decision. Along with this, our party also opened ways to send other voices of peaceful transformation to the grass roots level. There are no differences among out party leaders on this matter.

Of course, there are certain delays in expansion of the cabinet and announcement of new package for common and poor people of Nepal. The coalition has already expressed its commitment to bring relief package so that the marginalized and common people can feel relief.(Sharma is a spokesperson of UCPN-Maoist. This is based on his statement.)

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