What is NRB plan at the moment?
We are framing a policy to draw a clear line between bankers and businessmen. Such a demarcation will be set within the next three years. It is not possible to separate bankers and other businesspeople in a year. Yet we are trying to formulate a policy that will draw a line between them.
How do you plan to control the malpractices in the banking sector?
The practice of the same person running banks and other businesses has flourished due to the haphazard issuance of operating licenses to banks and financial institutions (BFIs). We will formulate a policy that will bar such issuance of banking licenses to those who are involved in other businesses in the coming days. Businesspeople cannot run banks.
What is the state of financial reforms?
NRB is designing a program to speed up the financial sector reform process by taking the donor agencies into confidence. Unlike in the past, the new financial sector reform program will serve our interest, rather than that of the donors.
What is the priority sector?
High priority has been given to create an environment to run banks and financial institutions smoothly. NRB completed on-site inspections of 21 commercial banks, 84 development banks and 38 finance companies until the mid-March.
How is the credit ratio?
Though the growth rate of credit disbursement is higher than deposit mobilization, banks and financial institutions have been able to retain 80 percent credit to core-capital-cum-deposit ratio.