Prime Minister Sushil Koirala got the last fragment of the prescribed five-fragment schedule of radiation therapy which began on July 2. He visited the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) in New York for radiation therapy, as per prior appointment.
According to a pres release issued by Nepalese Permanent Mission in New York, the radiation therapy remained smooth and uneventful throughout the process.
“Prime minister Koirala is advised to have a post-radiotherapy follow up visit at the MSKCC in three months,” said press release.
Meantime, a consultation visit has been scheduled at the MSKCC for tomorrow, 10 July, on managerial aspects of the Prime Minister's health ahead.
According to the accompanying personal physician Dr. Karbir Nath Yogi, who is in constant touch with the doctors involved in the treatment of Prime Minister Koirala during the present visit, this final consultation would include their advice in managing possible after-effects of radiotherapy in the context of prime minister Koirala's pre-existing medical condition.
Following the final consultation, the Prime Minister's plan to return home will be worked out in the course of this week.