Renowned Littérateur and ex-chancellor of the Nepal Academy, launched two poetic creations at an event – ‘EkKalpa’, an anthology of poems by Govinda Raj Bhattarai, and ‘Sudama’, a min-epic by Bishnu Singh Rai. Kainla commented that literature was ultimate created with the desire to see one’s name and fame spread over several generations, and praised both the poets for their sincerity to their craft. “That is why we remember Motiram’s name till date, and that is why all poets will forever be remembered,” Kainla said.
Bhattarai has published several novels, collections of essays, criticism and travelogues, but this is his first compiled work of poems. The title of his poem denotes a period of ten million years, the time frame within his the persona of his poems searches for his identify. According to Bhattarai, he chose twelve poems out of several hundreds to represent the poetic feelings that arose in him when he contemplated about the world and the society. Meanwhile, Bishnu Singh Rai, a professor of English by profession, chose to create a mini-epic on the camaraderie between Krishna and Sudama to bring alive the mythic friendship, and to give it a contemporary interpretation.
Speaking about ‘Sudama’, poet Shrawan Mukarung commented on the beauty of the language, that would move all the readers, and thanked poet Rai for recreating this myth. Meanwhile, poet and essayist Momila commented on ‘EkKalpa’, mentioning that it contained all the poetic elements such as feminine sentiments, a voice against war, ruminations on the world, and affectionate verses. She also directed attention to the meditative superiority of the poems.
Both the works of art are from Oriental Publications.