Youth March Demanding Climate Justice

With a slogan of“Snow Melting Mountains are drying rich people are getting richer poor people are crying” KIRDARC-Nepal organized rally

Feb. 17, 2015, 5:45 p.m. Published in Magazine Issue: Vol: 08 No. -16 February. 13- 2015 (Falgun 1, 2071)

With a slogan of“Snow Melting Mountains are drying rich people are getting richer poor people are crying” KIRDARC-Nepal organized rally

More than five hundred youth activists participated in a rally demanding shift away from fossil fuel to renewal energy—wind mills and solar energy.

During rally organized to mark Global Divestment Day, youths appeared in the rally putting up an umbrella to symbolize that the people in mountainous countries including Nepal are not prioritizing sun energy (solar) and struggling hard for the fossil fuel. They marched from Bhirikutimandap to Basantapur to draw government and policy maker's attention to renewal energy from fossil fuel.

 Nepal, which has potentiality of producing more than 83,000 MW of hydroelectricity, huge fluke of solar and wind energy, invests 35% more of total national export to import fossil fuels with 25% of trade deficit.

The Himalayas are melting, flash floods and GOLFS are projected, significant decrement in agricultural productivity has been seen. Binod Parajuli, a campaigner said, “Nepal should shift to renewable energy sources such as wind mills and solar panels without further delay”.

 The Climate Change Policy, 2011 focus on reduction in GHG emission, asks to promote clean energy and encourage polluters pay system. The 13th national plan directs to promote environment friendly energy sources. Bashudev Neupane, Activist/Campaigner demanded urgent action for shift from ceasing fossil fuels and said, “We demand Cash not the Cheque."

 Least Developed Countries (LDCs) are facing harsh impacts for climate change and youth should advocate and united for climate justice, said Min Bahadur Shahi Executive Director of KIRDARC-Nepal.

The rally was hosted by KIRDARC Nepal with nine youth network demanding for climate justice. More than 500 such rallies were organized in more than 50 countries spanning six continents across the globe to mark Global Divestment Day calling for action.

The divestment campaign highlights a conflict that most politicians are reluctant to address the negative effect of climate change accelerated due to use of fossil fuel. If the world is to avoid catastrophic global warming, most known fossil fuel resources need to stay in the ground. As world leaders plan to gather in Paris later this year to attempt once again to secure a global deal to address the climate crisis, divestment provides the means to take back power from the fossil fuel industry and deliver a mandate for bold climate leadership before it become too late.



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