Sakchyam Access to Finance Programme (SAFP) has partnered with Nepal Women Community Service Centre (NWCSC) to launch a campaign to promote economic opportunities of rural families by enhancing access to financial services in underserved areas of Rapti Zone.
According to a press release, the partnership will open six new NWCSC branches in Rolpa, Rukum, Salyan and Pyuthan, targeting women, marginalized groups and households affected by the civil war, according to a press release issued on Thursday.
"These branches will continue to provide NWCSC's various savings and loan products, adapt existing products and services and design new products depending on specific client needs," said press release.
Speaking at the event, Bimala Yogi, chairperson of NWCSC said, "NWCSC has been providing financial services for rural poor and creating meaningful impact in the region for a long time. We are happy to partner with Sakchyam to further increase our reach and cater to specific communities."