Kumari: A FeministThrough Gender Lens and Feminism

Don’t you think this excuse is leading to global warming! I mean the planet Earth is already overpopulated and polluted resulting to natural disasters and unknown diseases which will definitely in the future will be a leading reason behind extinction

Sept. 6, 2016, 5:45 p.m. Published in Magazine Issue: Vol 10.No.3, September 02,2016 (Bhadra 17, 2073)

There is a general logic behind the existence of human-kind in the universe. The logic is human is born to reproduce and continue its generation. Not only humans but animals also have to reproduce because of their sexual instincts. However, we now have birth control and abortion which allows us more control over when and how many babies we will have. Thanks to the advancement in technology to control our own reproduction.

I believe that every pregnancy should be wanted rather than an excuse saying it happened accidentally. Don’t you think this excuse is leading to global warming! I mean the planet Earth is already overpopulated and polluted resulting to natural disasters and unknown diseases which will definitely in the future will be a leading reason behind extinction of humans from the Earth. The main reason behind this is due to unwanted pregnancies. The best solution to control our population is to terminate pregnancies which are unwanted.

Thank God! We are in the society where we have the technology to control our own reproduction. This has provided us an advantage to control our own body and have babies when you are ready. This has helped us to have children by choice not chance.

Abortion is also an issue of personal choice. People should have access to safe and legal abortion. When we talk about abortion, we have to face various questions which are linked with social, cultural and religious sentiments. However, the people who arguing about abortion never think about a woman who has to face numerous difficulties to decide and go for termination on her own choice. Someone asked me: Who should make that choice? Her family, husband, state, friends, service providers or herself?The answer is so simple, it’s her body and she has all control on her body which is her human right, then the choice to terminating her unwanted pregnancy, ultimately, needs to be her.

Abortion is not only women’s issue. Whenever I have discussion regarding abortion, people forget that men should be also involved equally. They always rise a question “What if I (man) wanted the pregnancy? Where is my (man) saying on taking decision not to abort?”. This is really painful when people (especially men) do not understand the issue. They should empathize the situation to learn more about personal choice and freedom. I believe that reproduction is a personal right and that it is no one’s business other than the women to make that choice. People should respect and support a woman;s right to have a baby as well as her right to not have one.

Another hot issue you face while you stand for abortion is: Abortion is murder. For god sake please grow up. I am afraid there are people who will punish woman for wasting her eggs very month in the form of menstrual bleeding as eggs are important reason behind life. If we really care about life, why we are silent about Syrian war. Many children have been killed and affected by the war. Is that not murder? If you really care about the life of a fetus not the live one in Syria then please do not argue with me on abortion being murder.

The religious sentiment on abortion is its being immoral. If this is immoral than why don’t you promote family planning? Every time you can’t only object. You need to support as well. If you think abortion is immoral and it is sin then why don’t you preach about use of any form of contraception? This will help to reduce abortion. The less women get pregnant, the less abortions you have. So simple! If you do so, I rally do not have to disagree with you.

People come with the idea of adoption when I start to talk about abortion. Oh really, adoption! Is this the real solution? Forget it!! People who object to abortion they really do not care about the welfare of child after it’s born. These people take pregnancy as the punishment for woman. They are indeed sick people who do not support sex, contraception and abortion. Do you believe that we have awesome adoption law that will sort the issue of unwanted child after it’s born? If you really believe that adoption is the solution then request people to be fair and healthy without racist or sexist while adopting a child.

Abortion is not an easy choice to make. Women go through obstacles and challenges to finally choose abortion as an option to move ahead. I guess you do not want a 16 year girl to become mother before she completes her study. You do not want to be pregnancy that results from rape and incest. Also, you do not want to carry your pregnancy at the age of 50.

Therefore, respect the choice a woman makes. I just want her choice to be safe and legal. I request all to talk about abortion and preach accurate information about it. Always support women, to access safe and legal abortion rather than from back street quack doctors.

Bajracharya  is Youth Champion- Nepal Asia Safe Abortion Partnership




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