Minister of Education, Dhaniram Poudel, invited key Development Partners to an official sharing of the new 7-year School Sector Development Plan (SSDP) 2016 – 2023. The partners very much appreciate this important reform milestone to enhance education in the country and look forward to joining hands in its effective implementation.
The SSDP builds on the successes of the previous education sector plan and the achievements made towards the Millennium Development Goals, yet at the same time aims to transform the gains in access into quality learning outcomes. This will be done alongside the continued recovery efforts after the 2015 earthquakes and at the same time as the country is gearing towards transitioning from a centralized to a federal form of governance.
The 2015 Constitution of Nepal and the 2016 Education Act Amendment provide a clear point of departure for the Government in ensuring education as a fundamental right for all children and putting quality and learning outcomes at the centre.
The Ministry presented some key strategies for ensuring the provision of quality and child friendly pedagogy and increased learning outcomes, such as the development of a National Qualification Framework and the revision of the Curriculum Framework, alongside strengthening of teacher professional development and management and the standardization of examinations and assessments.
Moreover, the strengthening of evidence-based targeted interventions to reduce disparities in access, participation and learning outcomes is anticipated through the application of the school sector's Consolidated Equity Strategy.
On behalf of the Development Partners, the Focal Point and EU Ambassador, Rensje Teerink, congratulated the Government on the SSDP, especially considering the challenging context during which the plan was developed. She emphasized the importance of implementation and adequate financing for quality outcomes. The meeting confirmed that the EU and other Development Partners stand ready to support Nepal in SSDP implementation to ensure quality education delivery for all children.
“She also emphasized the need for collaboration and coordination between the efforts undertaken through the education sector recovery plan and overseen by the National Reconstruction Authority and the regular implementation and strengthening of school safety nationwide,” said a press release issued by European Union.