As strategies for sustainable development and climate change have many common elements and addressing them jointly can create synergies, Clean Energy Nepal (CEN) organized a workshop on “Climate Action Plan and Sustainable Development Goals.”
At a time when Climate change has already poses an additional challenge to development particularly to the Least Developed Countries and country with fragile geology like Nepal, addressing climate change is an integral element of sustainable development policies.
According to the studies, implementation and success of the SDGs will rely on countries’ own sustainable development policies, plans and programs. Governments will also need to develop their own national indicators to assist in monitoring progress made on the goals and targets.
During the program the distinguish panelist briefly highlighted on the ongoing progress on taking forward and implementing the provisions of SDGs and Climate Change Action Plan.
The Panelist was Member of National Planning Commission Dr. Prabhu Budhathoki, Dr. Bishwa Nath Oli, Secretary, Ministry of Population & Environment (MoPE) and Vijaya P. Singh, Assistant Country Director, United Nation Development Program (UNDP) in Nepal.
Singh stated that ‘Every goal are independent but are interlinked. To achieve SDGs the principle ‘leaving no one behind should be applied’ prioritizing poor and vulnerable people,” said Singh.
Secretary Dr. Oli stated that MoPE is the focal institution in climate change sector as a party to the UNFCCC he added MoPE is working to establish a good coordination between line ministries and line agencies. “Though there are plans, programs and strategies, the MoPE have no clear mandate to envision bigger plan through this institutional setup,” said Dr. Oli.
Member of NPC Dr. Budathoki said,” no official decisions have been made for taking forward SDGs in Nepal, to create and achieve synergy between climate change and sustainable development goals, a long term vision are needed”. On the other hand he also highlighted that NPC is in planning process to include SDG in the budget for next fiscal year.
As these plans are crucial for the developing countries particularly like Nepal, its effective implementation is needed and the required finance can be generated through the commitment made by the developed countries to support the developing countries. It is also important to explore possible domestic support.
Around 45 participants from Government agencies and civil society including me /NGOs, Academia, media and youth groups participated in the program.