Adaptation in the Town

The LAPAs were talked much in some events. The LAPA was conceptualised in May 2009 during the inception workshop of the National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) project and the Ministry of Population and Environment (MoPE), the UNFCCC focal poi

Feb. 24, 2017, 5:45 p.m. Published in Magazine Issue: Vol.10, No 13, February 24, 2017 (Falgun 11, 2073)

The climate change adaptation (CCA) communities met, discussed, argued and developed common understanding for adaptation planning in Nepal. About 15 interactions and trainings on climate change, including adaptation were organised for about 21 days between 18 January and 17 February 2017. Four workshop-trainings were organised outside Kathmandu. Thee indicate increased realisation, and compulsion of the Nepalese people to find ways and means to address adverse impacts of climate change to protect the lives and livelihoods of the climate vulnerable communities, properties, and infrastructures and ensure ecosystem functioning.

The district level interactions were organised at Khotang, Ramechhap and Dhading where participants discussed on climate change impacts in key economic and social sectors, National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process, and explored opportunities to integrate CCA into local planning processes. Other meetings, workshops and interactions organised in the Kathmandu Valley mostly focussed on state of climate change impacts and responses in different themes and cross cutting areas, capacity gaps and needs.

The District Development Committee of Chitwan has organised a Climate Change Certificate Programme for district level officials to address the growing challenges of climate change and disaster risk reduction (DRR) with technical support from ICIMOD and Practical Action. A total of 70 officials in Chitwan district will be trained on climate change to enhance their knowledge and build capacity in order to assist poor and marginalized communities to increase climate resilience and adaptive capacity in preparing for future disasters.

The UN Environment Programme and ICIMOD organised a two-day regional policy workshop on adaptation outlook in the Hindu-Kush Himalayas (HKH) to overview existing adaptation policy measures, and extent to which they address needs of mountain landscapes and peoples. It analysed gaps and needs on adaptation, emphasised CCA options in the HKH region, and identified priority areas for future interventions. The Adaptation Outlook is expected to promote CCA in the mountain regions, in order to build adaptive capacity and increase climate resilience of the poor and climate vulnerable communities, including of Nepal's mountains.

Supported the USAID, iDE/Rupantaran/RIMS, Nepal implemented Initiative for Climate Change Adaptation (ICCA) to inform policy stakeholders and practitioners on CCA options that worked well in target districts and smallholder farmers and contributed in building capacity, improving resilience, and mitigating the impacts of climate change. This ICCA conducted vulnerability assessment, prepared VDC level LAPAs (Local Adaptation Plans for Action) contributed in implementation through capacity building, technology support, and monitoring and mentoring. The ICCA is credited for cataloguing CCA approaches and technologies which will likely encourage implementers to offer adaptation services to the climate vulnerable communities.

The LAPAs were talked much in some events. The LAPA was conceptualised in May 2009 during the inception workshop of the National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) project and the Ministry of Population and Environment (MoPE), the UNFCCC focal point, released a National Framework on LAPA to localise CCA in Nepal. The LAPA is a flagship initiative of Nepal and is globally appreciated to address climate change impacts and build adaptive and resilience capacity of the climate vulnerable communities. Nepal is now implementing NAPA prioritised most urgent and immediate adaptation options in most climate vulnerable 14 districts of mid- and far west Nepal through LAPA approach.

These events contributed in: (i) enhancing understanding on climate change impacts on agriculture, water resources, forests and biodiversity, and further understand CCA actions and build capacity to address impacts; (ii) guiding adaptation actions by developing conceptual clarity on vulnerability (V) and risk (R), and relevant indicators for V and R assessments in climate change impacted sectors; (iii) revisiting parameters and scope for climate change trend analysis; (iv) informing NAP formulation process and its outcome, collecting inputs on V and R framework and indicators, and exploring approaches for CCA integration in local level planning; (v) linking NAP with Sustainable Development Goals, DRR, and HABITAT III outcomes; and (vi) linking national efforts to regional adaptation outlook in the HKH region.

Nepal is formulating the NAP with support from UK Aid, ACT/OPM and Practical Action. Targeted NAP-related events are organised with support from interested organisations. Nepal's NAP will be based on experiences, knowledge and lessons learned from the preparation and/or implementation of NAPAs, LAPAs, climate resilient programmes, and other initiatives.

Nepal is the first country to access Green Climate Fund through UNEP to advance the NAP formulation process in order to address medium- and long-term adaptation needs of the country with the twin objectives of reducing climate vulnerability, and integrating CCA into new and existing policies, strategies, programmes and activities. For Nepal, adaptation is for the climate vulnerable poor people, and will primarily build their adaptive capacities and increase ecosystem resilience for sustained ecological goods and services.



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Batu Uprety

Former Joint-Secretary and Chief of Climate Change Management Division, Ministry of Environment (then), and former Team Leader, National Adaptation Plan (NAP) formulation process. E-mail:

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