Indian ambassador to Nepal Manjeev Singh Puri inaugurated the RCC Bridge over Kaligandaki River at Jomsom in Mustang District. The Government of India has extended a total of NRs 4.45 Crores as financial assistance for construction of this project under its Small Development Program Scheme as a part of India–Nepal Economic Cooperation Program.
According to a press release issued by Indian Embassy, before construction of the RCC Bridge, the suspension bridge built on the river Kaligandaki could not be used for motor transport.
People had to alight from the vehicle and took another vehicle from across the river to reach their destination. The newly constructed RCC Bridge would not only provide direct motorable connectivity to the local people of Mustang but also benefit thousands of tourists and pilgrims visiting Muktinath temple and other parts of upper Mustang for trekking.
Ten Indian government aided projects worth NRs. 25.77 Crores have been completed in Mustang District. These projects include School Buildings, Dharmshala at Muktinath Temple, Renovation of Community Hall at Jharkot, Muktinath, Water Supply Project at Muknith, and River Protection Work at Kagbeni.
One more project Monastic Building for Pal Ewam Namgyal Monastic School, Chhonhup is being constructed with Indian government assistance of NRs. 3.73. Apart from this 5 ambulances have been donated to various organizations in Mustang District.