NIBL Capital Markets Ltd. opened its new branches at Lagankhel, Lalitpur and Chipledhunga,Pokhara. Amidst the function, Lagankhel branch was inaugurated by Chairman of Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON),Dr.Rewat Bahadur Karki in the presence of CEO of Nepal Investment Bank Ltd.. Jyoti Prakash Pandey, Chairman of NIBL Capital. Sachin Tibrewal, CEO of NIBL Capital Shivanth Bahadur Pandé along with officials of SEBON, Nepal Investment Bank Ltd. and NIBL Capital Markets Ltd.
According to a press release, NIBL Capital Markets Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Nepal Investment Bank Ltd. is one of the leading merchant bank in the capital market of Nepal. It was first to cross 1,00,000 DEMAT accounts among its peers and accommodate 31 companies' share registrar. NIBL Capital Markets Ltd. has recently signed MoU for merger with ACE Capital Ltd., which will increase the paid up capital to NPR. 27 Crore.
With existing extensive customer base, NIBL Capital Markets Limited has taken initiative to serve its customers by opening branches in major locations. These branches will provide services related to Issue management, Share Registrar, underwriting, Portfolio Management Service and Depository Participant.