Paul I. Norton, IOM Nepal Chief of Mission, said that Nepal Migration Profile will help to improve the knowledge to understand various aspects of migration in Nepal.
Addressing a Multi Stakeholders Consultation meeting organised to prepare Nepal Migration Profile Promoting Strategic and Evidence Based Policy Making, Paul said the workshop will help to enhance knowledge and promote a common understanding of what a migration profile and its process are.
Participated by various stake holders from concerned government agencies, civil society organisations and other stake holders, Nepal Chief of Mission Paul said that a migration profile covers a complexity of issues related to migration process, their socio-economic impact and linkage to development migration management structures and frameworks and international cooperation. He also said that migration is one of the main components of Social Development Goals.
Organised by Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social security and IOM, Dipak Dhakal of Ministry said that Nepal government will provide all necessary support to the government.
Jhabindra Bhandari from IOM presented Migration Governance Indicators and
Shyla Vohara presented a paper on migration profile in the Global Context objective, activities, work-plan, process and methodological approach.
Padma Khatiwada, a consultant from NIDS, presented overall picture of migration.
The workshop concluded after intense discussion.