Minister of Communication and Information Technology Gokul Prasad Baskota, inaugurated the Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) at Hetauda in the presence of special guests Park Young-sik, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Nepal.
Sunghoon Ko, Country Director, KOICA Nepal Office and Hari Bahadur Mahat, Mayor, Hetauda Sub-metropolitan city and other various dignitaries.
The Government of the Republic of Korea and the Government of Nepal signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the project “Establishment of Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) for Government Integrated Data Center (GIDC)” in May, 2013. The Korean Government provided USD 4.6 million through Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) for this project.
The key objective of the newly established DRC is to minimize the government data losses from natural or human-induced disasters through the back-up system of Disaster Recovery Center (DRC). The project also aims at harvesting synergy effect in the information management of Nepal government with GIDC in Singhadurbar.
In this project, KOICA constructed a DRC building and provided the software, equipment and materials necessary to implement the center. In addition to the infrastructure, KOICA also dispatched Korean experts to provide necessary technical guidance to strengthen the human resources. As a part of that, the series of trainings were delivered to the DRC officials to acquire knowledge and experience required for the successful implementation and management of the project.
Acknowledging the importance of minimizing the digital gap for facilitating sustainable economic growth for developing countries, KOICA has given assistance to its partner countries, including Nepal, to share the benefits of information technology and develop digital opportunities.