Member of Parliament Dr. Narayan Khadka inaugurated Shree Narad Adarsha Education Campus at Chaudandigadhi Municipality in Udayapur District. Dr. Ajay Kumar, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of India attended the inauguration ceremony as a Special Guest.
The new infrastructure constructed with the Government of India’s grant assistance of NRs. 30.20 million, is a two storied building comprising of 12 class rooms, library, meeting hall, separate toilets for boys and girls and supply of furniture.
The newly built infrastructure will not only boost learning environment of students but also enhance access to education to rural students of Udayapur and adjoining districts, including Bhojpur, Khotang, Sunsari and Saptari.
Shree Narad Adarsha Education Campus was established in 1971 as a Secondary School and subsequently upgraded as a Campus in 2003. The Campus is affiliated with the Tribhuvan University (TU) with an enrollment of 135 students, about 70% of whom are girls and offers 4 years Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) program.