TVET Instructors Training Completed

TVET Instructors Training Completed

Sept. 1, 2019, 2:15 p.m.

TITI has successfully completed the pilot Instructional Skills for TVET Instructors Training and three pilot OSU training with the support of KOICA and KOREATECH experts. The construction of ICT building has already begun and is expected to be completed by December 2020.

Technical Education and Vocational Training has impact on the economic growth and development of a country. KOICA aims to improve the quality of the Technical Vocational Education and Training system for better TVET education in Nepal by enhancing the competitiveness of TVET instructors and training institutions.

Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Nepal and Ambassador, Government of Korea, signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 26th September, for the project “Enhancing the Quality of TVET through Capacity Building of TVET Instructors in Nepal”. To enhance the competitiveness of TVET instructors, KOICA has been implementing the project through CTVET/TITI with the technical support from KOREATECH.

Acording to a press release issued by KOICA, recently, the pilot training of Instructional Skills (IS) for TVET Instructors training and Occupational Skill Upgrading (OSU) training for the instructors of different technical schools of Nepal was conducted and completed at TITI. The experts from KOREATECH facilitated to develop manuals for Instructional Skills for TEVT Instructors training and OSU training in automobile, electrical and electronic trade which can be utilized in the coming years for further trainings in Nepal at TITI. The Instructional Skills for TEVT Instructors training is designed to improve the field, lab, workshop and classroom instruction whereas OSU training helps in the upgrading the skills for a particular occupation.

Eighteen trainers from TITI were involved in development of Instructional Skills for TVET Instructors training manual where series of workshop were conducted by TITI to standardize the manual. A workshop was also conducted to refine the contents and format of the manual from 17 July 2019 to 26 July, 2019, where fifteen experience trainers and instructors from TITI and CTEVT participated and gave their expert views, feedback and suggestions. The manual was used by TITI trainers during the pilot training of Instructional Skills for TVET Instructors training for fifteen new CTEVT instructors from 25 July 2019 to 16 August, 2019.

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Similarly, OSU pilot training were conducted for automobile, electrical and electronics trades. Instruction Manuals for the OSU training was developed for each trade by TITI trainers and CTEVT instructors under the guidance of KOREATECH professors. One event of OSU training for the automobile trade was conducted from 5 August 2019 to 16 August, 2019 at TITI, Hyundai Training Academy and Korea Nepal Institute of Technology (KNIT). Likewise, two events of OSU training for electrical and electronic trade was conducted in TITI premise dated 5 August, 2019 to 13 August, 2019 and 15 August, 2019 to 23 August, 2019 respectively. Ten instructors from automobile trade upgraded their automobile related skills and sixteen instructors from electrical trade and sixteen instructors from electronic trade upgraded their skills in their related occupation.

As Information Communication Technology (ICT) is the foremost skill to consider in TVET or any other sector. For this reason, KOICA is constructing an Information Technology (IT) building in the premise of TITI and also plans to equip it with e-library by December, 2020. To give equal opportunity to the disadvantage group and women, this project has emphasized on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) by establishing a fund of $100,000. 80% of the fund will be supported by KOICA and the remaining 20% will be covered by CTEVT/TITI.

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