“ Not at the cost of 2.4 Million Trees “ A documentary produced by Chanda Rana has been released. This is her official release of her documentary tot at the cost of 2.4 million trees “ from New Spotlight .
Chanda Rana, an environmental activist who has been contributing to preserve the Nature and Environment, produced a new documentary Not At the Cost of 2.4 Million Tree .
Her first documentary “Mile a minute a Serious Threat to Chitwan National Park “ which she prepared to protect Chitwan National Park from Wild weed called Mikania Micrantha for which she received Environmental preservation award from ministry of environment handed over by former Prime Minister Madhav.K.Nepal at 2010 .
This is Her second documentary to Save Neejgadh Forest to be chopped off ( 2.4 million Trees ) demanding authority to look for Alternatives. When asked her about her commitment she informed that this is her small contribution to preserve Nature .