Korean Government And KOICA Sign Agreement To Support TVET Instructor

Korean Government And KOICA Sign Agreement To Support TVET Instructor

Jan. 16, 2020, 6:23 p.m.

Government of Korea, Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), has agreed to grant USD 5 million for the “The project of Enhancing the Quality of TVET through Capacity Building of TVET Instructors in Nepal.”

The project period is 2018-2020 AD after signing of MoU on 26 September 2018 which shall be extended to 2022 soon. This project is based on TITI that is under the umbrella of CTEVT. Operating agencies in this project are KOICA from Korea side and Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT)/Training Institute for Technical Instruction (TITI) from Nepal.

The project has achieved its many milestones like Instructional Skills (IS) and Occupational Skill Upgrading (OSU) manual development, Lab renovation for OSU trades - Automotive, Electrical and Electronics, Invitational training to Korea University of Technology and Education (KOREATECH), Pilot Training of IS and OSU, and Master plan development for TITI.

Similarly, some activities are in progress: IT building in the premise of TITI, e-library establishment in the building, and GESI (Gender Equality and Social Inclusion) Fund monitoring along with evaluation result publication. In order to share the progress, the project conducts workshop where the Final Workshop was held on 16th of January 2020 at Hotel Himalaya.

Recently, the project has completed its pilot training utilizing the manuals developed for IS and OSU for instructors of different technical schools. The experts from KOREATECH facilitated to develop manuals for IS, OSU- for automobile, electrical and electronic trade, which can be utilized in coming years for trainings in Nepal at TITI.

The Instructional Skills for TEVT Instructors training is designed to improve the field, lab, workshop and classroom instruction whereas OSU training helps in upgrading skills for a particular occupation. The developed manual for IS and OSU has been handed over to Nepal Government through KOICA in the event of 16th January 2020. After support from experts of KOREATECH, TITI now has updated manual along with newly built lab for OSU training. Professors from KOREATECH presented on their result of operation on the workshop.

Focusing on major outcome of this project, and IT building is under construction at the premise of TITI. The building will be completed within end of 2020 and e-library system will be established. With the help of e-library, TITI can expand its sessions to online and distant learning. Operational plan for utilization of IT building along with e-library will be drafted by TITI to ensure full utilization of received facility.

CTEVT and TITI has much expectation from the project as it is conducted solely to enhance training quality of TITI and capacity building of human resources. Observing the need requirement and sustainability even after the project period, KOICA is willing to extend project period until 2022. Although the extension is not official yet, it can surely support TITI in the field of IS and OSU. Further, the project is supporting additional equipment for Automotive, Electrical and Electronics trades to be installed in renovated labs.

As the name of project suggests, enhancing quality and capacity building of TVET instructors, CTEVT/TITI plays a major role being sole government institute for TVET. Upliftment of TITI is necessary to provide quality service to the trainers. Thus, master plan for TITI as a road map for 10 years long has been prepared. The document contains present status with future growth possible areas for TITI. This document has also been handed to Nepal Government in the event.

Only implementation of activities does not ensure quality and sustainability. Thus, a major focus is put down into evaluation and monitoring method as well. Base-line survey was conducted at the initial phase to know the status of trainings and situation of TVET in Nepal. Based on results of base-line survey, project was initiated with full swing and now it has come to the final stage of implementation. The project shall also share its result of end-line evaluation developed by experts of KOREATECH after completion of IT building and utilization of e-library as they constitute as one of the major components of the project.

Finally, successful completion of the project with better outcome is expected by all stakeholders bringing enhancement on quality of TVET by capacity building of TVET instructors in Nepal.

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