KUL MAN GHISING Mission Transmission

After making Nepal load shedding free, Kul Man Ghising, Managing Director of Nepal Electricity Authority, is on a mission to complete the transmission lines

Jan. 23, 2020, 1:50 p.m. Published in Magazine Issue: VOL. 13 No. 11 ,Jan.24-06,Feb.2020(Magh.10, 2076) Publisher: Keshab Prasad Poudel Online Register Number: DOI 584/074-75

Achieving an unbelievable task of ending load shedding, Kul Man Ghising is now on a mission to complete long delayed transmission line projects around the country.

Stuck in a dispute with petty interests of local people, some of the major transmission lines, which will be the lifeline to continue to power evacuate and supply to country, need to be completed now. Knowing the importance of the transmission lines for power evacuation and distribution, MD Ghising has been in march to the sites of disputed areas.

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After visiting various sites of far-western, western and central areas, MD Ghising visited Gorkha district to clear the disturbance in 220 kV double circuit Marsyangdi corridor.

Since last one year a few residents of Ward No 4 and 5 of Palungtar Municipality have been creating obstructions on the transmission line demanding to reroute it. Although NEA had earlier designed the transmission line through bank of Marsyangdi river, the route changed due to objection from Civil Aviation Authority that the transmission line will disturb the takeoff and landing in Palungtar Airport.

Later the route was redesigned choosing the neutral place not to disturb the residential area and airport. However, the local people are opposing it. In 37 kilometers between Garambeshi of Lamjung to Palungtar, there is the need to erect 16 towers.

Known as a game changer transmission line project, Minister of Energy, Water Resources Barshaman Pun has recently constituted a committee under the co-chair of Member of House of Representatives to settle the dispute and end obstruction.

Along with former prime minister Dr. Baburam Bhattarai, Mayor, Deputy Mayor, member of provincial assembly and civil society members sat with MD Ghising recently in an interaction with the local people.

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Former Prime Minister Dr. Bhattarai said that the transmission line needs to be constructed without obstructing the airport and with less impact on the people. MD Ghising urged the local community to support the construction work as it was designed to make minimum damage to the community.

He said that this was a strategically and economically very important project. If we are unable to complete the project on schedule, NEA has to pay billions of rupees of penalty to the power companies. He said that the project construction will complete from the route designed now with minimum damage in the houses.

He said that NEA is ready to construct a substation with high power to turn this town as a smart city. Mayor and deputy mayor of Palungtr Municipality stressed the need to construct the tower with minimum damage to the residential areas.

The 113-kilometer long 220 kV Transmission line is designed to evacuate electricity generated by hydropower in Marsyangdi Basin. Starting from Dharapani of Manang, this will connect New Bharatpur Substations. Under this project, substation will be constructed in Dharapani, Khudi, Udipur and Bharatpur of 220/132/33 kV. The project, running under the investment of 90 million dollar from European Bank, is in its final phase.

Out of 231 towers, 226 towers have already been erected. Out of 82 kilometers conductor, 75 kilometers have already completed.


Due to opposition from a few local people, the construction of five towers has stopped. Visiting Dhading Besi, MD Ghising urged Municipal mayor and ward chair to facilitate the work to end the obstruction and start construction.

At present Kathmandu is connected with 132 kV transmission lines which evacuate 100 MW power. Due to opposition from a few people two towers in Naubise and 3 in Piltar are yet to be constructed.

MD Ghising said this transmission line is the lifeline for the supply of power to Kathmandu valley. He urged local political leaders to facilitate the work.

Along with managing day to day affair of NEA, MD Ghising is rushing from one place to another to end the obstruction in the construction of transmission lines, which are going to be very crucial for future distribution of electricity. Convincing, arguing and debating, MD Ghising has been using all his skills to get things done.

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