Nepal Investment Bank Ltd. a leading bank in the “A” class banking category, has expanded its operations by opening its126th ATM at Chunikhel Marg, Budhanilkantha Municipality.
According to a press release issued by the bank, the ATM is located within the premises of Karuna Hospital and was inaugurated jointly by NIBL Deputy General Manager Bijendra Suwal, Budhanilkantha Nagarpalika Chairperson Shree Krishna Shrestha, Monasteries Development Committee Chairperson Bhicchu Thupten Jigdol and Karuna Hospital Chairperson Tirthalal Shrestha
NIBL has been catering to its customer from 83 branches, 126 ATMs, 19 extension counters, 10 revenue collection counters and 56 branchless banking counters. The bank, being the recipient of five Bank of the Year awards for exemplary service and business, was accredited with Euromoney awards for “Best Bank 2018” from the international publication - Euromoney. Further, ICRA Nepal (International Credit Rating Agency- Nepal) has given the bank a credit rating of A.