Mayors of 29 plus municipalities signed Nepal Urban Governance and Infrastructure Project implementation agreement. World Bank Finance Nepal Urban Governance and Infrastructure Project strengthen service delivery and post-COVID-19 recovery.
“With the signing of the agreements, the municipalities are entering the stage of project implementation to make cities more livable, resilient & inclusive, to benefit 2 million people & support post-#COVID19 recovery,” tweeted World Bank’s Country,” Twitted Faris H. Hadad-Zervos, World Bank’s Country Director
“The signing of the project participation agreement with Mayors of 29+ municipalities from #Nepal’s strategic urban centers is a proud moment for the World Bank-financed Nepal Urban Governance and Infrastructure Project to strengthen service delivery & post-COVID-19 recovery.”
“As I sign the project participation agreement, I look forward to improving the governance, management; staff capacity & accountability of my municipality & help ppl enjoy the fruits of improved service delivery.” Shiva Prasad Dhakal, Mayor, Sundar Haraicha Municipality, Morang.