I Can’t Breathe. We Heard Those Words In America And Our World Was Shaken.

I Can’t Breathe. We Heard Those Words In America And Our World Was Shaken.

May 4, 2021, 9:44 a.m.

Today we hear those words again in Nepal. The context is different. But, again, we are shaken. Thousands upon thousands of people in Nepal are struggling to breathe as COVID-19 devastates their respiratory systems. And they need your help.

As in India, there is not nearly enough oxygen to go around so family members watch in desperation as loved ones slowly suffocate. The oxygen cylinder is empty. There are no refills.

That’s grim as grim can be, but that’s the reality we are facing. We are working with several partners to bring in oxygen concentrators and high-flow

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nasal cannulas as we did before. We are working to save lives.

We need your help urgently to do it. It’s a race against an unrelenting disease. We’re seeing 7500 new cases a day — a rate as high as what we saw in the US at it’s worst (adjusting for population) and starting to reach levels as high as what we’re seeing in India.

There are well over 50,000 active cases today in Nepal and it’s getting worse. We can’t sit idly by as people cry out for help. As people tell their daughter or son, “I can’t breathe.”

We must act. At Engage Nepal we will do all we can and we ask your help. Please. Act today. Help us raise $10,000. Help people to breathe. Help us to Engage Nepal!

Please, Donate today.

Donate $150 or more and we’ll send you an autographed copy of the best-selling (@Amazon) “The Ambassador’s Dog” as a thank you from us and the people whose lives you’ll save!

With thanks for your compassion and support.

Scott Ambassador (ret) Scott H. DeLisi

Executive Director

Engage Nepal

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