ADB and Institute for Integrated Development Studies - IIDS jointly organized a dissemination session on Nepal GESI Diagnostic Study of Selected Sectors in Nepal.
Urban Development Minister Hon. Ram Kumari Jhakri, ADB's Director General for South Asia Mr. Kenichi Yokoyama; and Member of the National Planning Commission Hon. Saloni Singh were key speakers at the event on April 20.
Minister Jhakri appreciated the detailed content and sector focus of the study and its call for greater focus on transformative approaches targeting women and disadvantaged groups.
DG Yokoyama provided a brief overview of ADB's journey in expanding the focus from gender equality to gender equality and social inclusion, as reflected in the broader focus of the study. He praised the valuable collaboration and partnership with the Government of Nepal especially during the implementation of the Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women Project.
Francesco Tornieri, Principal Social Development Specialist (Gender and Development) introduced the study and emphasized the iterative and consultative process followed in the finalization of the study, which voices issues and concerns raised by women, excluded and vulnerable groups, advocacy and identity-based civil society organizations in Nepal. Ms. Chhaya Jha made a presentation on the study.
ADB's Country for Nepal Arnaud Cauchois gave closing remarks and a vote of thanks emphasizing that the findings and recommendations of the diagnostic have been reflected in the Country Partnership Strategy Nepal (2020-2024) and will be reflected in the design of ADB-financed projects, grants and technical assistance. He highlighted the pandemic has reminded us that progress on GESI cannot be taken for granted and much more needs to be done as we seek more sustainable, gender and socially inclusive, and climate-resilient development.