Dr. Suresh Chandra Chalise has been named the foreign relations advisor to President Ram Chandra Paudel. He previously held a number of high-level and significant positions during a period of political unrest, including that of the late Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala's and the Nepali ambassador to the US and UK.
Dr. Chalise will reportedly also investigate the president's secretariat, according to the president's office. Dr. Chalise will review the president's secretariat in addition to advising the president on different issues pertaining to foreign policy and Nepal's international relations.
Dr. Chalise has extensive experience in international relations and is a Ph.D. and Post-Doctoral; AvH, UGC, and LS Fellow. He participated in Nepali Congress politics and was the 2013 Grassroots Diplomate Award winner from London. Earlier, Dr. Chalise also served as foreign relations advisor of former prime minister Krishna Prasad Bhattarai.
Chirinjibi Adhikari has also been chosen to serve as Paudel's personal secretary.