KUL MAN GHISNG’s MISSION: Transmission Line Completion

Amidst numerous ongoing construction projects across different regions in the country, such as the Kali Gandaki basin and Sunkoshi and Bhote Koshi basins, the Managing Director of Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA), Kul Man Ghising, faces mounting pressure to ensure the timely completion of substations and transmission lines. These projects play a crucial role in strengthening the nation's power infrastructure and meeting the increasing demand for electricity.

Aug. 5, 2023, 9:35 a.m. Published in Magazine Issue: VOL. 17, No. 02, August.04,2023 (Shrawan,21. 2080) Publisher and Editor: Keshab Prasad Poudel Online Register Number: DOI 584/074-75

As British Prime Minister and statesman Winston Churchill once wisely said, “You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.”

Amidst criticism and competition, MD Guising has chosen to focus on accelerating the pace of construction and completing projects on time. Consequently, he spends most of his time inspecting construction sites.

The construction of several hydropower projects is currently at the final stage of generation, necessitating transmission lines and substations. However, the construction of these transmission lines and substations is not progressing as quickly as required, leading to MD Ghising's increased involvement at the project sites.

Since MD Ghising needs to handle administrative and management tasks during office hours, he has opted to visit the construction sites on weekends and official holidays.

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One project, the 102 MW Middle Bhotekhoshi Hydropower project, is nearing completion during the Bahrabishe reign, placing pressure on the authorities to finish building the necessary substation for its connection.

The construction of Madhya Bhote Koshi is likely to be completed within the next two months. To connect the electricity from Madhyabhotekoshi power plant to the Bahrabise substation, a 220 kV transmission line is being drawn from the power plant to the Bahrbise substation after constructing the transmission line's towers.

Unfortunately, due to the poor performance of the joint venture between the Chinese firms Guangxi Transmission and Substation Construction and Shenzhen Claw Electronics, which won the contract for the construction of the Bahrbise substation, the substation's construction has faced delays.

The NEA has issued a warning that the builders will be held responsible for compensating if the substation's construction is not completed in time to connect Madhya Bhotekoshi's electricity.

On Saturday, July 29, Deputy Managing Directors of the Project Management Directorate, Tara Prasad Pradhan and Dalgayu Kumar Shrestha, along with Managing Director Kulman Ghising, visited the substation building site. During the visit, the team consulted with project management and construction experts about the challenges faced, equipment supply status, projected completion date, and other related matters.

According to Managing Director Ghising, the construction company's performance has shown some improvement since last February. To expedite the process, he announced his intention to visit the substation site weekly for updates and to add more personnel.

All the necessary equipment for the substation, including power transformers, has already arrived at the construction site. There is no reason to delay the construction, and the company is fully prepared to provide any assistance needed. The construction must be completed within three months, as any delay could lead to the wastage of electricity in Madhya Bhotekoshi. Managing Director Ghising urged everyone to take action, saying, "Let's do it."

The corporation has already procured equipment like power transformers for the substation, and the construction of the control center building is ongoing, where the transformers will be placed. Specifically, power transformers of 160 MVA at 220-132 kV and 5 MVA at 132-11 kV will be installed at the substation. Additionally, a second 400 kV substation is also under construction in Bahrbise.

Currently, the NEA has made temporary arrangements to manage Madhya Bhotekosh's electrical flow, but the development of the Baharabishe substations is necessary for a more permanent solution. The 22 MW Upper Knife A hydroelectric project's promoter, Shivashree Hydropower, plans to quadruple the 132 kV single circuit transmission lines it has constructed.

Shivshri Hydropower is supposed to construct a line from the Lamosanghu substation to Bahrabise, although construction has not commenced yet.

To transmit the power generated by the Tamakoshi and Sunkoshi river hydroelectric projects and their tributaries to the national transmission system, work has begun on the Tamakoshi-Kathmandu transmission line and substation. The Asian Development Bank is providing concessional loans for the construction of these transmission lines and substations.

Presently, a 44 km transmission line from the New Khimti substation in Ramechhap to Bahrbise is being constructed as part of the Tamakoshi-Kathmandu 220-400 kV transmission line project.

Other similar projects include the 14 km 132 kV transmission line from Lapsiphedi to Changunarayan in Bhaktapur and the 46 km 400 kV double circuit line from Bahrbise to Lapsiphedi in Kathmandu. Unfortunately, the construction of Lapsiphedi's 400/220 and 132/11 kV substations has been hindered by local disruptions.

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With a commitment to providing reliable and uninterrupted power supply to the people of Nepal, Kul Man Ghising has taken on the mission to expedite the construction process. Under his leadership, the NEA is working tirelessly to overcome challenges and streamline the execution of these vital energy projects.

By optimizing resources, collaborating with various stakeholders, and implementing efficient project management strategies, the NEA aims to bring these under-construction substations and transmission lines online promptly. The successful completion of these projects will not only enhance the country's power distribution capabilities but also contribute to the overall economic growth and well-being of its citizens.

Kul Man Ghising's dedication and visionary approach have garnered support from both the public and private sectors, and he remains resolute in his pursuit of a sustainable and robust energy infrastructure for Nepal. Through strategic planning and a focus on quality and safety, the NEA strives to achieve its mission and elevate the nation's power sector to new heights.

Inspection of 220 kV Kaligandaki Corridor Transmission Line

The Managing Director of Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA), Mr. Ghising, urgently directed the contractor to complete the construction of the 220 kV Kaligandki Corridor transmission line. He emphasized the need to adhere to the new schedule for the project's completion and personally visited the site on 22 July.

The project faced delays due to issues with tree-felling permissions, regional barriers, and the unsatisfactory performance of the Indian construction company L&T.

Taking charge after a comprehensive evaluation of the construction site, Mr. Ghising oversaw the project and conducted meetings with project management and construction experts to identify and address the problems effectively.

Given the crucial importance of the Kaligandki Corridor transmission line in supplying electricity from hydropower projects, it has been decided that the construction must be completed without fail by July.

Upon completion, this transmission line will significantly improve the distribution of electricity to hydropower projects in Myagdi, Parbat, Kaski, and Lampung districts.

The Kaligandki Corridor transmission line project spans 127 km and consists of two sections. The first section, covering 39 km from Dana substation in Myagdi to Khurkot in Parbat, has already been completed and is operational. It includes 220/132 kV substations in Khurkot and 220/132/33 kV substations in Dana.

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The second section, spanning 88 km from Kushma to New Butwal substation, is in its final stages. Out of the planned 235 towers for this section, 234 have been completed, with the construction of the last tower underway in the Devdah area of Rupandehi. Additionally, 7 kilometers of wire installation is pending in Parbat, Palpa, and Rupandehi.

From Sunwal municipality-13 Badera of Nawalparasi to New Butwal substation, towers for a 220 kV four-circuit (multi-circuit) line have been completed, and approximately 8 km of double circuit wire has been installed.

New Butbal-Bardghat transmission line

Furthermore, there is a separate 220 kV transmission line under construction from the New Butwal substation in Sunwal Municipality-13 Bhumhi, Nawalparasi (Bardghat Susta West) to Bardghat. The goal is to complete this line by December.

Previously, the project encountered delays due to decision-making processes regarding forest area land use and tree felling approval. Fortunately, the project now has the necessary permission for tree felling.

To complete the transmission line, 56 towers need to be constructed for the 21 km stretch. So far, 21 foundations have been laid, and 5 towers have been erected. Most of the transmission line equipment has been supplied to the project site.

Managing Director Ghising has instructed the project management and construction professionals to increase manpower and accelerate construction to complete the project within the next month, as the issues related to land use and tree felling in the forest area have been resolved. Additionally, he has directed the commencement of pulling the double circuit wire, which will be laid from the 220 kV four-circuit (multi-circuit) lines from Sunwal Municipality-13 Badera to the New Butwal Substation in Nawalparasi. The construction of the 220-132 KV New Butwal substation in Bhumhi has already been completed.

Ring of Transmission Lines

Electricity for the industries in the Parasi region is being provided through a ring of transmission lines connecting five substations.

In order to provide industries and local inhabitants with an adequate, dependable, and high-quality electrical supply, a ring of transmission lines connecting 5 substations is now under construction and will soon be operational in the Parasi neighborhood of Nawalparasi (Bardghat Susta West).

To supply power to the Butwal, Sunwal, Gandak, and Hakui 132 kV and New Butwal 220 kV substation pairs in the Parasi area, which has ample room for industrial growth, a ring of transmission lines will be built.

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To meet the growing demand for electricity in the Bhairahwa Industrial Corridor of Parasi and Rupandehi, the Nepal Electricity Authority has advanced the construction of a Sunwal-Hakui 132 kV double-circuit transmission line. This will increase the transmission capacity, reduce technical leakage, and provide reliable and high-quality electricity.

Transmission lines for 33 kV double circuits Gandak-Parasi and 33 KV single circuits Butwal-Jamire (Sunwal) are both in use. The first of the 33 kV double circuit's three extra feeders, which will deliver local electricity from the Sunwal substation, is now operational. The double circuit line was officially opened by Kulman Ghising, the Authority's executive director.

Despite criticism and opposition, MD Ghising is determined to complete the transmission line projects and distribution systems so that NEA can supply uninterrupted and quality electricity. As he completes his second year of the second tenure, MD Ghising is running with his own agenda to complete the projects. Until then, there will be no holidays and no rest.

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