Neal Imported More From Tatopani Customs

Neal Imported More From Tatopani Customs

Jan. 10, 2024, 8:20 a.m.

Tatopani Customs Office has collected more revenue than the target in the first five months of the current fiscal year. According to Surya Prasad Kafle, customs officer of Tatopani Dry Port Customs Office, 168 per cent revenue of the target has been collected from mid-July to mid-December of the current fiscal year.

In the first five months of the current fiscal year, the Office has collected revenue of Rs. 3.886 billion against a target of Rs. 1.949 billion. The Office has collected around Rs. 616 million in the month of Shrawan, Rs. 768 million in the month of Bhadra, Rs. 1.148 billion in the month of Ashoj, Rs. 752 million in the month of Kartik and Rs. 1.18 billion in the month of Mangsir of the current fiscal year.

He said that due to the import of goods such as apples, pears, garlic, onions, walnuts, ready-made clothes, roll cloths, vehicles, cars, microbuses, scooters, among others, the revenue is being collected in excess of the target.

The handicrafts, mattresses and other items were exported from Nepal to China on September 1, 2023.

He said that no goods were exported to China after that.

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