Foreign Minister Saud Underscores The Importance Of The Indian Ocean For Nepal

Foreign Minister Saud Underscores The Importance Of The Indian Ocean For Nepal

Feb. 11, 2024, 9:22 a.m.

Minister for Foreign Affairs Narayan Prakash Saud addressed today the Seventh Indian Ocean Conference held in Perth, Australia. In his address, Minister underscored the importance of the Indian Ocean for Nepal in reaching the international market and hence stressed on the stability and sustainability of the Indian Ocean for the landlocked countries like Nepal.


Stating there is an organic link between the Himalayas and the Ocean, he underlined that ocean and mountain issues should be dealt with in an integrated and holistic manner.

Minister also met with Ms. Eileen Laubacher, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for South Asia, National Security Council of the United States of America, the earlier day and discussed matters of mutual interests.

In the morning today,. Komura Masahiro, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan held courtesy meeting with Minister for Foreign Affairs of Nepal and discussed multiple aspects of Nepal-Japan relations.

Indra Mani Pandey, Secretary General of BIMSTEC also had a courtesy meeting with Minister in the margins of the Indian Ocean Conference during which the Secretary General gave an overview of the status of cooperation in various areas under BIMSTEC.


While in Perth, Minister also interacted with the Nepali community focusing on ensuring the welfare of the Nepali community in Australia and the opportunities for collaboration with them for the economic benefit of the country.

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