Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and Helvetas Nepal Signed Project Implementation Agreement To Implement TTDP

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and Helvetas Nepal Signed Project Implementation Agreement To Implement TTDP

May 29, 2024, 9:14 p.m.

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Embassy of Switzerland in Nepal, and Helvetas Nepal have signed a project implementation agreement to launch the Trail Based Tourism Project (TTDP) in Nepal.

The agreement was signed by Dr. Danielle Meuwly, Ambassador of Switzerland to Nepal, and Dr. Prabin Manandhar, Country Director of Helvetas Nepal.

The TTDP project aims to rehabilitate 400 kilometers of trails, fostering community collaboration and enhancing economic development. By streamlining policies and boosting government cooperation, the project seeks to attract both domestic and regional tourists, celebrating local culture and natural beauty.

This initiative is not only focused on promoting tourism but also on creating jobs, stimulating local enterprises, and spreading economic benefits. TTDP is set to be a lifeline for the community, improving lives, preserving traditions, and securing a brighter future.

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