The Government and the Private Sector Needs a Close Collaboration for the development of the IT Sector: President Dhaka

The Government and the Private Sector Needs a Close Collaboration for the development of the IT Sector: President Dhaka

Feb. 7, 2025, 8:03 a.m.

Chandra Prasad Dhakal, President of the Federation of Nepalese Industries and Commerce, said that the state of Nepal's development of the information technology sector requires cooperation between the government and the private sector for the development of the information technology sector in Nepal.

Speaking at the opening program of the 30th edition of the comprehensive information and communication technology exhibition 'CAN Infotech', which started today at Bhrikutimandap in Kathmandu, he said that the goal of an IT hub can be achieved only with the cooperation of the government and the private sector.

Stating that the IT sector is a global market, can export services worth billions of rupees and can employ millions of people,

Chairman Dhakal requested the government to work for necessary policy and structural reforms for the further development of this sector.

Informing that Federation of Nepal Chamber of Commerce and Industry has been debating and lobbying with the government for timely policy reforms in the fields of IT, startups and innovation as well as various other laws.

He said that the amendments made in recent laws for the development of the Nepali Information Technology (IT) sector will contribute significantly to the development of this sector.

By approving the Ordinance on the amendment of the law, the legal system that will allow Nepali IT companies to invest abroad, open branches, do business and bring their income into Nepal will enable Nepali IT companies to compete in the international market and increase foreign exchange earnings.

He said. Can Infotech also said that the latest technology startup innovation and talents and inventions developed according to the demand of the local market will help the campaign of creating Digital Nepal.

In the context that the government has drafted the 'National Artificial Intelligence Policy 2081' for the development and use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Nepal, the proposed policy will build a safe and sustainable AI ecosystem.

He said that it is expected that support will be provided to develop human resources, promote innovation and entrepreneurship.

Speaking on a different occasion, President Dhakal said that it was sad to see opposition in different names when trying to do something in Nepal.

Speaking about the ongoing protests in the Pathibhara Kevalkar case, he urged the political parties and common people to put development above politics and religion

Inaugurating Challe CAN Infotech from January 24th to 28th, Minister of Communication and Information Technology Prithvi Subba Gurung said that the government itself has a lot of work to do in the field of information technology.

He appreciated the contribution made by the private sector in this area and said that he will work in cooperation with the private sector in the coming days.

Stating that policy reforms are necessary to develop IT as an industry, he said that the government is working for policy reforms.Bamboo Conference from March 27, NRB Governor calls for its use for green economy

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