People are not for cosmetic change and they are not likely to be fooled by peps talk and false assurances anymore.Nepalis want to avoid violence to the extent possible because their preference is for a peaceful change, which is possible only when the rulers of this country cooperate. Make no mistake, the much wanted peaceful change will be less injurious even to the rulers who have failed us and our country.
By Dr. Tilak Rawal Jan 25, 2025
Increasingly large number of people have also begun to feel that state affairs are handled by a political cartel consisting of about 4 top partyleaders, both ruling and opposition , who are taking turn in running the show in the country. Indeed, decisions on major issues, mostly related to major scandals, are taken by this unofficial cartel.
By Dr. Tilak Rawal Apr 14, 2024
Common people and honest politicians from different parties have to join hands to make the much desired change happen so that a ruthless attack on corruption could be launched and executable schemes introduced for the correction of our ailing economy. Peaceful change is what people of this country want and these rulers, about 4 in number, who have ruled\ruined this country are expected to clear the way for change.Indeed, a prerequisite to change is the ouster from active politics of these harmful people, sooner the better.
By Dr. Tilak Rawal Jan 26, 2024
Not only on the internal resource mobilization front, government suffered setback on external resource mobilization (both grant and loan), too. Available data reveal that in the last five years, on average, only about 51 percent of the targeted foreign loan has been received, the achievement being only 42 percent last FY. More than seven hundred thousand people left the country for employment outside of Nepal, which is an indication of deplorable condition within the country.
By Dr. Tilak Rawal Oct 12, 2023
We wish Mahat luck in arresting further deterioration in the economy at a time when growth is expected to be around 2 percent this FY, inflation is on the rise (above 7 percent), internal demand has contracted and so has industrial output, all pointing towards an impending stagflation.
By Dr. Tilak Rawal Jun 09, 2023
Beyond doubt, political situation in the country has continued to remain instable and the trio’s (Deuba,Oli and Prachanda) post-election acts seem to have contributed towards enhancing political fluidity. The major beneficiary of this political chaos has been Deuba who has not only succeeded in quietening his opponents within the party but has made considerable headway in bringing Prachanda back to him. A master manipulator, Deuba, cannot be behind the other two, which is shown by his untiring efforts to push the two adversaries-turned-friends apart.
By Dr. Tilak Rawal Feb 27, 2023
People are not that keen about who ascends to the seat of power because no leader so far has shown genuine concern for the suffering of Nepalis and done something to relieve them of anxieties emanating from different sides at different periods of time. In the new situation unfolding before us, people are likely to see our leaders engaged in more intense destabilizing power battles aimed at furthering their personal and group\party interests, often at the cost of this country and its people.
By Dr. Tilak Rawal Dec 10, 2022
The present situation in Nepal reminds one of the politicians in some African countries who have been, since long, leaving no stone unturned to grab political power, which has become the most effective tool to loot these mineral-rich countries with rampant corruption and abject poverty. It may not be too difficult to draw parallels between what is happening there and here.
By Dr. Tilak Rawal Aug 18, 2022
Not many believe that the current dispensation would address the urging of Nepalese consumers to protect them from rising prices of essentials and provide fertilizers to farmers facing scarcity of it. Small wonder, majority of hard-hit and somewhat ignored people have very little interest in what is read in the Parliament.
By Dr. Tilak Rawal Jun 05, 2022
During the past ten years, Nepal’s economy grew on average by 4.4 percent. If we extend the time to cover a period of twenty years, average growth descends further to 4.1 percent. On average, economy in the last three years grew by just 1 percent. This year also, the economy is expected to grow by less than 4 percent. In terms of performance of the economy, the two governments, led by Oli and Deuba respectively, do not look much different.
By Dr. Tilak Rawal Apr 24, 2022
The Unity General Convention of the Rastriya Prajatantra Party held in Kathmandu during first week of December, has elected Rajendra Lingden, a monarchist and a non-secularist, as its chairperson. He is likely to push with full force the much talked about two issues of giving space to monarchy in the system and declaring Nepal a Hindu state, which could be effected preferably through constitutional amendment. Even if put to referendum, the verdict will be in favour of the two, many independent observers feel. Prime Minister Deuba, currently working hard to get reelected as party president, may note that our nation is facing serious issues in acomplicated environment and timely resolution of these issues could only save this country headed for a disastrouscrash landing.
By Dr. Tilak Rawal Dec 10, 2021
For now, let us hope that Prime Minister Deuba, who has displayed tons of patience and shown flexibility of all kind in running difficult coalition governments in the past, does not let his patience wear thin this time around and gives adequate attention to our serious economic problems so that he could show to the people that he is also a better manager of the economy than most other prime ministers.
By Dr. Tilak Rawal Oct 05, 2021
It is undeniable that other political parties have also contributed to the existing fluid political situation but people cannot just help pointing a finger of accusation towards the ruling party and its leadership for failing to manage the country and the party even when the government continued to enjoy near two-thirds majority in the House for about 3 years. It is disheartening that numerous writ petitions were filed in the SC, challenging Oli’s controversial style of managing state affairs.
By Dr. Tilak Rawal Jul 16, 2021
In his next stint as head of the government, he has to show that a shrewd politician can be a competent economic manager, too so that people of this nation would stop thinking that politics practiced here has been as harmful an enemy of Nepalis as the pandemic.
By Dr. Tilak Rawal May 09, 2021
India, fast emerging as a major economic power of global scale, looks engaged in a healthy competition on economic front with the second largest economy in the world and predictions are that it will be fast leapfrogging many other economies to be near China (likely to be the largest economy soon), which has become the first country to register positive economic growth of around 2 percent in 2020
By Dr. Tilak Rawal Jan 30, 2021
Looking at the prevailing situation, there should be no hesitation in admitting that Nepal is not at all stable economically, too and people are desperately wanting stability on both fronts (political and economic), which can be ensured by a result-producing good, honest and clean government like the one once led by Lee in Singapore, which is voted back to power endlessly.
By Dr. Tilak Rawal Dec 01, 2020
In our case, the new budget has thrown lots of cold water on the expectation of relief-seeking common people and those engaged in productive activities who were expecting solid package in the budget to help them get out of the mess they have been pushed into by the virus
By Dr. Tilak Rawal Jun 23, 2020