Published on: Jan 01, 2012
<br><STRONG><EM>Pradeep Poudel</EM></STRONG>
By A Correspondent | Jan 30, 2012
Nepal Tourism Year 2011 concludes with major achievements<br>DEBESH ADHIKARI
Nepal’s security forces have shown that they are capable to contain poaching. Thanks to their efforts, Nepal was able to maintain a zero poaching in the year 2011<br><P>A CORRESPONDENT</P>
A major earthquake may be looming over Kathmandu valley<br>DEBESH ADHIKARI
<br><STRONG><EM>Dhruba Adhikary </EM></STRONG>
Party politics in Nepal have for long been bounded by intense competition power.<br><STRONG><EM>-Tanka Raj Niraula</EM></STRONG>
<br><EM><STRONG>Jeeva Raj Budhathoki</STRONG></EM>
<br>Yubaraj Ghimire
<br><P>Shradha Gyawali</P>