Published on: Jan 01, 2012
By A Correspondent | Apr 02, 2012
By A Correspondent | Apr 03, 2012
<br>Manoj Goyal, Chief Executive Officer of Clean Energy Development Bank and president of Development Bankers’ Association Nepal (DBAN)
<br>Yubaraj Ghimire
Reality of Nepalese politics is that seen political actors are not in a position to exercise real political power whether it is in integration or constitution writing <br>A CORRESSPONDENT
Ludwig F. stiller, S.J., The Silent Cry: The People of Nepal: 1816 -1839 (Kathmandu: Sahayogi Prakashan, 1976)<br><STRONG>Bipin Adhikari</STRONG>
At a time when Nepal government is asking foreign investors to come to Nepal, three Chinese companies, which came to Nepal for investment, have been facing hiccups<br>A CORRESSPONDENT