Published on: Feb 09, 2019
It appears that the mammoth Burhi-Gandaki High Dam Project is proposed to be implemented turning a blind eye to our country's legitimate share in the vast irrigation and flood control benefits accruing to India, which could even surpass power benefit, despite the fact that the previous BJP government of India had constituted a high level commission under then Minister Suresh Prabhu to recommend royalty to be paid by India to Nepal for regulated water discharged after power generation in our country.
By Dr. A.B. Thapa | Feb 09, 2019
Over the last sixty-eight years it has been seen that democratisation of society is a difficult process in the history of any nation. Untouchability, chauppadi and witch incidents are fairly common reports in our papers. Is it because we are a closed society that has never been conquered by external forces? What is the quality within us which has made it possible to exist as a Society or as a Nation?
By Hemang Dixit | Feb 09, 2019