Over two and half-decades of legal clearance to implement projects, requiring approval of Initial Environment Examination (IEE) or EIA informs complexities created in Nepal from this widely used tool to make the development sustainable and environment-friendly.
By Batu Uprety Apr 13, 2023
Assuming that the Indian side has a valid concern, even as a layman, I feel it is not normally possible to stop such low strength signal crossing over the border. With India being so sensitive about transgression, it must have found a novel way to block such signals at the border.
By Hemant Arjyal Mar 26, 2023
FAO is developing projects on indigenous drought resilient crops. The Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture(WASAG) is a platform for countries to share their knowledge, creating solidarity and community of practices and expertise
By Maria Helena Semedo Mar 21, 2023
To be finance minister in Nepal, parliamentarians and the party do not need any qualification other than kindness, love and affection. Even skilled politicians can run the economy, but it should be kept in mind that this is a technical ministry.
By Shanker Man Singh Mar 14, 2023
The government now has to become a servant that is heard, seen and experienced by the people.'' he said. Referring to the addition of necessary staff in the state and union, Prime Minister Dahal said that the problems seen in the transportation system services, community schools, and government hospitals will be solved immediately, while the Ministry of Finance has reduced the flat by 20 percent.
By Shanker Man Singh Mar 02, 2023
Beyond doubt, political situation in the country has continued to remain instable and the trio’s (Deuba,Oli and Prachanda) post-election acts seem to have contributed towards enhancing political fluidity. The major beneficiary of this political chaos has been Deuba who has not only succeeded in quietening his opponents within the party but has made considerable headway in bringing Prachanda back to him. A master manipulator, Deuba, cannot be behind the other two, which is shown by his untiring efforts to push the two adversaries-turned-friends apart.
By Dr. Tilak Rawal Feb 27, 2023
Prachanda’s understanding of Nepal’s political economy was questionable from the very start. In the Onesto interview, he states that Nepal is a “semi-feudal, semi-colonial” country where salvation lay in the overthrow of the regime by a violent “peoples’ war”.
By Dipak Gyawali Feb 23, 2023
That person should be fair, neutral and balanced, committed to republican democracy, a national figure who has contributed to Nepal's long struggle for democracy and republic should be selected in the role of reputed presidency.
By Nishesh Dhungana Feb 20, 2023