Beijing’s relationship with the Talibans will be contingent upon a number of factors, two primary ones being Chinese investments and its national security. There is no way that Beijing will ‘rush to embrace the Talibans’, as speculated in the Western media. It is tactful and will not make the mistake of becoming another victim in the graveyard of empires.
By Abijit Sharma Aug 18, 2021
The G-7 Group, like a club of kith and kin, loves to hear its own voice in the echo chamber. Hence, instead of being globally inclusive and accommodative to other major economies with it, the G-7 opts to keep them out of it. Meanwhile, it invited India, the Republic of Korea, South Africa and Australia (as its “guests") in its Cornwall meeting.
By Dr. Omkar Shrestha Aug 14, 2021
There may be many cases of sexual offenses hidden under the layers of guilt, shame, and societal pressure. Consequently, these go undetected and unpunished, but their victims live with the torment all their lives
By Govind Prasad Thapa, Ph.D. Aug 11, 2021
The criticism of the Supreme Court for this political activism was not just for a blatant partisanship and arrogating unto itself the right of a parliament, but also for its declaring that party decisions and discipline are irrelevant.
By Dipak Gyawali Aug 04, 2021
A few good practical examples and anecdotes of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake showed us the relationships between the affected people of the city and open spaces when the 7.9 Richter scale earthquake strokes and subsequently fire in the tome.
By Dr. Suman Kr. Karna and Bimal Khatiwada Jul 31, 2021
Afghanistan also known as the “graveyards of Empires” where empires and nations have failed to mollify which the British learned from the 1839-1842 war in Afghanistan. The US decision to withdraw from the longest war is the newest in the sequence.
By Binoj Basnyat Jul 31, 2021
The fact Nepal has made great strides in disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) in the past few years makes us wonder why so many people are still being affected by monsoon disasters, and, more importantly, why those affected in previous years are still struggling to recover. Though we look outside, trying to find complicated measures to fix the problem, the solution may be here with us, in simple things.
By Dr. Dhruba Gautam and Pratistha Pyakurel Jul 28, 2021
It is undeniable that other political parties have also contributed to the existing fluid political situation but people cannot just help pointing a finger of accusation towards the ruling party and its leadership for failing to manage the country and the party even when the government continued to enjoy near two-thirds majority in the House for about 3 years. It is disheartening that numerous writ petitions were filed in the SC, challenging Oli’s controversial style of managing state affairs.
By Dr. Tilak Rawal Jul 16, 2021