Current account deficit has also declined from Rs. 35.16 billion in two months of last fiscal year to Rs.21.79 billion this year. Similarly, BOP has remained positive by Rs. 8.83 billion in sixty days of this fiscal year, which was negative by Rs. 25.45 billion in the corresponding period of last fiscal year.
By Dr. Tilak Rawal Nov 13, 2019
The Hedge Fund and Dollar PPA that this project signed with the Government of Nepal may become templates for other privately funded foreign hydropower projects.
By Park Young-sik Nov 01, 2019
During the State visit of the President of the People's Republic of China, Mr. Xi Jinping, on 12-13 October 2019, the President, in his statement, informed China's clear understanding on Nepal's special concern on climate change, and has supported appropriate demands related to climate change commitments.
By Batu Uprety Oct 25, 2019
At present Kathmandu valley is suffering from acute water shortage. Ever increasing mining of the ground water in the valley is greatly feared to have disastrous environmental consequences. According to the UNDP report the additional water supply from the long awaited Melamchi project is going to be insufficient to meet the demand for water in the valley.
By Dr. A.B. Thapa Oct 25, 2019
This has brought to my mind George Orwell's classical work 'Animal Farm'. What if the animals in our farms form Unions? Will the cows withhold the supply of milk from their udders? Will the production of butter and cheese come to a standstill?
By Hemang Dixit Sep 30, 2019
There are problems all over the world and we need not panic looking at our problems, if we have the determination to confront problems honestly. A confession that our economy is in a bad shape, by those at the helm of affairs, should be the starting point. Confession should not be difficult to come by when one remembers how bad was the situation last fiscal year when trade deficit increased in an unprecedented manner, BOP remained negative throughout the year, capital expenditure took a nose dive, foreign exchange reserve showed depletion, FDI decreased and revenue target had to be changed time and again. Mere professing about growth and prosperity is not going to help because it is difficult to see which sector of the economy is emerging as an increasingly powerful growth engine to fulfill the proclaimed 11 percent growth.
By Dr. Tilak Rawal Sep 08, 2019
This has already led to talks of easing sanctions against the North Koreans. Secondly, by increasing talks with the USA, the DPRK has put pressure on Beijing as they do not want a US friendly North Korea on their border.
By Raunak Mainali Sep 05, 2019
There are four hydro projects described in the Gandak Basin Master Plan, which are located near the confluence of the Andhi Khola and Kali-Gandaki ……. They are (1) Kali-Gandaki 1 ; (2) Kali-Gandaki 2; (3) Kali-Gandaki A; and (4) Kali-Gandaki Tinau Diversion Project.
By Dr. A.B. Thapa Aug 27, 2019
If one looks at the issue globally, one sees technical innovations hogging the limelight, putting other factors in the shade. It was Nicola Tesla who was really "the man who invented the 20th Century" with his brilliant innovations that gave us universal electricity; however, it was Thomas Edison who really marketed those ideas successfully.
By Dipak Gyawali Aug 23, 2019