It is difficult to find cases that EIA has stopped development projects. The EIA study may recommend costly measures that distract the proponent to implement it. The EA study analyses environmental impacts of 'with' and 'without' project. If 'with project' alternative is selected, it further analyses alternatives 'within project' to select the 'best' alternative.
By Batu Uprety Mar 04, 2019
Key attractions of the 24th session of the CoP to the UNFCCC were on outcomes of the Paris Agreement Work Programme, High-level Ministerial Dialogue on Finance, urgency of the need for entry into force of the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol for the implementation of pre-2020 ambition for GHGs emissions reduction, and Talanoa Dialogue for enhanced ambition. Statements of Head of States and Governments also provided guidance for the KCCC outcomes.
By Batu Uprety Jan 26, 2019
A number of side-events will provide opportunity to share country initiatives, and learn good practices on adaptation. Under the Paris Agreement, Parties will provide guidance on adaptation communication and/or decide on minimum set of guidelines for communicating NAPs, and adaptation component of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The NDC was submitted by countries while being a Party to the Paris Agreement. The NDCs of most of the LDCs include adaptation as a priority. Nepal submitted its NDC to the UNFCCC Secretariat in October 2016. Nepal's NDC includes NAP as no. 1 priority and mentions that 'Nepal has initiated the process for the formulation of NAP.
By Batu Uprety Nov 23, 2018
The Katowice decisions will also depend on the outcome of the Talanoa Dialogue, initiated by the current Presidency (Fiji) in 2017. For us, the Addis-Ababa LDC Ministerial Communiqué on climate change will provide a basis for negotiation. Hon'ble Minister for Forests and Environment Hon'ble Shakti B. Basnet participated in adopting this Communiqué on 15 October 2018
By Batu Uprety Nov 03, 2018
The NDC also targets to expand energy mix focussing on renewable by 20% by 2020, achieve 80% electrification and reduce dependency on fossil fuels by 50% by 2050 through effective mass public transportation, increase the share of electric vehicle up to 20% at 2010 level by 2020, and maintain 40% of the total area of the country under forest cover
By Batu Uprety Aug 18, 2018
The Declaration also recalls the statements, ideas, concerns, perceptions, and interest of the key speakers, paper presenters, session chairs, commentators, and participants; and accords high attachment to the Province 2 campaign to 'educate girls, save girls' and make the Province 'clean and green'
By Batu Uprety Jul 21, 2018
Along with rapid urbanisation, growing markets and waste management practices, countries have faced challenges from plastics both in land and water. Of the 8.3 billion metric tonnes of plastic produced globally over the past decade, only 9% is estimated recycled and 79% accumulates in landfills. Use of plastic bags was estimated at one million per minute in 2011.
By Batu Uprety Jun 16, 2018
The SBI 48 and SBSTA 48 have over 20 and 15 agenda items respectively. In SBs agenda, Nepal's interest will be, inter alia, on national communications, nationally determined contributions, clean development mechanism (CDM), mitigation actions in forest sector, agriculture, LDC matters, national adaptation plans (NAPs), climate finance, capacity building, gender, and Nairobi Work Programme.
By Batu Uprety May 04, 2018
The Government led the LAPA formulation process with support from DFID in generating ideas, conceptualising and piloting the LAPA framework. Implementation of the NCCSP in 14 districts with support from DFID and EU proved that LAPA works well.
By Batu Uprety Apr 22, 2018
Climate change is continuously and increasingly challenging the life and property of Nepali people and ecosystems, thereby making more people climate vulnerable. Increasing amount of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions at the global level has increased temperature
By Batu Uprety Oct 27, 2017