Senior officials of State Government of India, namely Himanchal Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Uttarakhand, and experts from India, Nepal and Pakistan, including ICIMOD experts participated in the event designed to share CCA experiences in Indian States with focus on State Action Plan on Climate Change
By Batu Uprety Jul 23, 2017
The LAPAs were talked much in some events. The LAPA was conceptualised in May 2009 during the inception workshop of the National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) project and the Ministry of Population and Environment (MoPE), the UNFCCC focal poi
By Batu Uprety Feb 24, 2017
Finally Nepal secured over US$ 80 million for climate resilience programs to implement NAPA prioritized programs. One of the components of the country-specific Strategic Program on Climate Resilience (SPCR) was mainstreaming climate risk management i
By Batu Uprety Dec 16, 2016
This event was addressed by the Prime Minister of Tuvalu, Ministers for Environment of Benin and Madagascar, Co-Chair of the GCF, and representatives of the Global Environment Facility (GEF).The Executive Director of GCF announced the approval of its
By Batu Uprety Dec 03, 2016
Mitigation and adaptation are well embedded in the UNFCCC and Paris Agreement. Nepal is greatly affected by the adverse impact of climate change but its contribution to total GHGs emission is only 0.027 percent. As a Party to the UNFCCC, Nepal has jo
By Batu Uprety Oct 01, 2016
Integrating sectors into NAP
By Batu Uprety Jul 08, 2016
In Nepal, governmental and non-governmental organisations are implementing NAPA-prioritised adaptation actions. MoPE is implementing Nepal Climate Change Support Programme (NCCSP), popularly known as LAPA project, in 14 most climate vulnerable distri
By Batu Uprety May 05, 2016
Based on two decades of my experience with EIA, and related lessons learned, gaps and needs, EIA report should be prepared as per its principle and by avoiding 'cut and paste' (a perennial problem in Nepal) and making the EIA report site-specific to
By Batu Uprety Mar 04, 2016
Paris climate change conference must deliver a 'Protocol' to develop a path to limit the global average temperature rise to below 1.50C, as compared to pre-industrial level, based on science and demand of climate vulnerable countries, in particular t
By Batu Uprety Nov 27, 2015
In Nepal, project-level EA is carried out for the prescribed projects. Interestingly, proponents or developers consider it additional burden which might be related to the inadequate understanding of its importance or making this simple tool complicat
By Batu Uprety Feb 13, 2015