Some of the backslidings is obvious. This year, in Asia and the Pacific, we’ve witnessed droughts and floods, the highest food prices in decades, an armed conflict in Eastern Europe, and a lingering COVID-19 pandemic that continues to threaten health, and disrupt supply chains and livelihoods.
By Jong-Jin Kim Sep 13, 2022
During her 70 years as a monarch of the United Kingdom, Queen Elizabeth II paid state visits to Nepal twice. However, her love and affection towards Nepal remain immense. The frequent visit by royal family members of the UK at the time of difficulty was a testimony of her love for Nepal and the Nepali people. As Nepal had gone through a devastating earthquake with big suffering, Prince Harry visited Nepal to draw the attention of the global community. Connected through Gurkha over two centuries, Queen Elizabeth II takes the relations between the two independent countries to a new height. As Queen Elizabeth died at the age of 96, Nepalese also lost a guardian and good friend
By Keshab Poudel Sep 09, 2022
.The Government of Nepal is keen on improving the literacy rate, with initiatives like the National Literacy Campaign launched from 2008-2012, ‘Literate Nepal Mission’ on achieving literacy for all between 2012 and 2015, allocating around 3% of its total education budget to non-formal education and literacy
By Deepak Dulal Sep 08, 2022
The Nepal Army is mostly trained and equipped by India. The Indian Army helped it in containing Maoist insurgency. The bilateral group on security cooperation was set up in its aftermath. New Delhi must treat Kathmandu with respect and not repeat the old mistake of taking Nepal for granted. The most worrying consequence of the Agnipath scheme could be the weakening of the ‘diplomatic bridge’ between Nepal and India
By Ashok K Mehta Aug 27, 2022
Despite its exposure to multiple natural hazards, Nepal has a very strong foundation for building its resilience to disasters, especially if it manages to reform the few characteristics of its disaster risk reduction and management system that still need improving.
By Dr. Dhruba Gautam Aug 22, 2022
In Nepal, we should encourage the youth to think about their role in the UK Nepal partnership. I’m looking forward to meeting this year’s Chevening scholars, before they leave for their studies in the UK to start to forge those lasting links
By Nicola Pollitt Aug 18, 2022
The present situation in Nepal reminds one of the politicians in some African countries who have been, since long, leaving no stone unturned to grab political power, which has become the most effective tool to loot these mineral-rich countries with rampant corruption and abject poverty. It may not be too difficult to draw parallels between what is happening there and here.
By Dr. Tilak Rawal Aug 18, 2022
While these are wonderful reasons to champion electric cooking in Nepal, ground reality, however, indicates that the path ahead for this technological transition is going to be far from smooth. A consultative workshop organized on 9th August by the Alternative Energy Promotion Center with GiZ’s Energizing Development (EnDev) program brought to the fore many of these difficulties, ranging from consumer risks to anomalies in government policy.
By Dipak Gyawali Aug 16, 2022