While Nepal is currently beset by multiple natural hazards, it is making good progress in preparing itself to prevent them from turning into natural disasters through measures as varied as institutionalizing local emergency operation centers, training officials and community members, warehousing supplies, and facilitating shelters.
By Dr. Dhruba Gautam Aug 09, 2022
Both elderly and their subsequent successor need to rethink a permanent resolution to manage the growing irresponsibility into a permanent solution. It is not to attribute any one of elderly abuses rather respect each other then enjoy each other's company
By Prof. Dr. Prem Sharma Jul 31, 2022
Environmental monitoring is an integral part of an EA report. At least, compliance and impact monitoring are carried out to evaluate the degree of implementation of measures (compliance) and their effectiveness (impact).
By Batu Uprety Jul 30, 2022
Despite this glorious history the 2022 Henley passport index places Nepal 105th out of 111, same as Palestine, which is yet to gain statehood, and below Haiti, Sudan, Congo and just above Somalia, Yemen, Syria, and Afghanistan, either failing or failed states.
By Shambhu Ram Simkhada Jul 29, 2022
The old saying as far as India / Nepal relationship was that it was a question of ‘Beti and Roti’ from ancient times. The Mogul invasion of India is thought to have accelerated that process when many princely states sent their Ranis and Betis for shelter to the Hindu Kingdom of Nepal.
By Hemang Dixit Jul 28, 2022
If climate change is such an existential threat to humanity, why is it that we limit concerns about it to one week of COP discussions per year? And for the rest of the year, why is it confined to academic debates only within the UN IPCC scientific crowd?
By Dipak Gyawali Jul 20, 2022
In Nepal, coalitions for elections or pre-election coalitions are trending in recent elections, particularly with those political parties whose political ideologies and philosophies do not match at all as they fall in the category of either 'far right' or 'far left, at least, in theory.
By Dr. Chandra Lal Pandey Jul 14, 2022
The national perspective for water resources development4 focuses on irrigation and power generation but no mention of floods and flood related hazards and casualties not even in Bihar.
By Govinda Sharma Pokharel Jul 12, 2022
The second agenda of negotiation was about the taxonomy of the democracy that country should embrace for. Now, both the camps’ attention was focused on the subject, which was relating to the political system of the country.
By Dr. Suresh C. Chalise Jul 11, 2022
Implementation of the Dudh-Kosi High Dam Power Project would result in outright killing the potential of the Sun-Kosi river for utilization of the entire flow of the this river ( including Dudh-Kosi flow ) for power generation and also irrigating the vast area of Eastern Terai by building just one single barrage across the Sun-Kosi at Kurule
By Dr. A.B. Thapa Jul 11, 2022
The 2030 Agenda makes a significant commitment to integrate disaster and climate risk into all levels of development. This shows that development can be affected by risks, but also that development creates its own risks.
By Dr. Suman Kr. Karn Jun 27, 2022