The Nagarkot Women and Rivers Congress brought together mostly women activists who have earned their spurs battling river-related issues, many from opposing bad dams and mining projects that hurt local communities. As the Nagarkot Statement issued at the end of the Congress puts it, they see themselves as custodians of rivers and freshwater systems which are global commons under threat from extractive profit-driven development.
By Dipak Gyawali Mar 15, 2019
According to foreign historians Bhakti Thapa had created a legend of the bravest of the braves during the Anglo-Nepal War. A wave site in the USA has even identified him as one of the world's 600 topmost outstanding figures in the entire history of human civilization.
By Laxmi Thapa Mar 15, 2019
The idea is for a whole reorganisation of the educational sector. Currently it is neither ‘Hanseko chal na Kukhurako chal’ as far as educational institutions in this country are concerned. One pertinent issue that needs to be addressed and sorted out is whether institutions should be on regional, read provincial basis or on faculty basis depending on what they teach / instruct on.
By Hemang Dixit Mar 15, 2019
According to Ramayan, Hanuman had to enter Patal Lok to rescue Rama and Lakshmana as Ahiravan had tricked them to go there to help Ravan win the war against Ram. Ahiravana was hidden in Patal in five lamps placed in 5 directions and could be killed only by extinguishing all the lamps at once which Hanuma accomplished by taking the Panchamukha form.
By Som P. Pudasaini Mar 04, 2019
NAPA is basically a response and coping approach based adaptation. Its actions are designed based on the understanding of observed impacts of climate variabilities and changes. It enhances the autonomous adaptation which is more of a response based natural process. As for example, if there is a drought because of erratic rainfall or drying up of water sources, NAPA helps to find out alternative mechanisms to cope with the problem by building new water supply systems.
By Gehendra B. Gurung Mar 04, 2019
It is difficult to find cases that EIA has stopped development projects. The EIA study may recommend costly measures that distract the proponent to implement it. The EA study analyses environmental impacts of 'with' and 'without' project. If 'with project' alternative is selected, it further analyses alternatives 'within project' to select the 'best' alternative.
By Batu Uprety Mar 04, 2019
A business always involves some risk, small or big. A bureaucrat needs to take at least some risk while making a business decision. But, there is a big threat against the bureaucrats the Commission for Investigation for Abuse of Authority (CIAA) may charge the decision maker if the outcome goes otherwise.
By Dr. Rudra Sharma Feb 09, 2019
Over the last sixty-eight years it has been seen that democratisation of society is a difficult process in the history of any nation. Untouchability, chauppadi and witch incidents are fairly common reports in our papers. Is it because we are a closed society that has never been conquered by external forces? What is the quality within us which has made it possible to exist as a Society or as a Nation?
By Hemang Dixit Feb 09, 2019
It appears that the mammoth Burhi-Gandaki High Dam Project is proposed to be implemented turning a blind eye to our country's legitimate share in the vast irrigation and flood control benefits accruing to India, which could even surpass power benefit, despite the fact that the previous BJP government of India had constituted a high level commission under then Minister Suresh Prabhu to recommend royalty to be paid by India to Nepal for regulated water discharged after power generation in our country.
By Dr. A.B. Thapa Feb 09, 2019
In the year 1990 the number of infant mortality was 98.44 per 1000 live birth whereas in 2000, it was 60.04 per 1000 live birth. Despite substantial decrease in other health areas the number of infant deaths is decreasing, with 29.22 per 1000 live birth in 2015 and only 27.9 per 1000 live birth in 2017. Concerning the serious issue of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) 3, “Good Health and Well Being” is being practiced in the context of Nepal starting from 2016, to go until 2030, with a target to reduce preventable death of less than 1 percent of new born babies by 2030.
By Shweta Singh Jan 26, 2019