International Men’s Day is celebrated on November 19 every year. It perhaps is uncommon knowledge because nothing else can justify the demand of some people for a day especially dedicated to celebrating men and their accomplishments, akin to Women’s Day held on March 8.
By Aditi Aryal Nov 23, 2018
The victors gleefully shared the war booties: the Ottoman Turks lost their entire empire in the Middle East and the Germans, besides losing their African colonies, had to pay heavy war reparations that Hitler later used to drum-up German nationalism. By 1922 Imperial British India scaled down the war-time 59,000 strength back to 19,000 through massive demobilization with paltry remunerations.
By Santa Bahadur Pun Nov 23, 2018
A number of side-events will provide opportunity to share country initiatives, and learn good practices on adaptation. Under the Paris Agreement, Parties will provide guidance on adaptation communication and/or decide on minimum set of guidelines for communicating NAPs, and adaptation component of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The NDC was submitted by countries while being a Party to the Paris Agreement. The NDCs of most of the LDCs include adaptation as a priority. Nepal submitted its NDC to the UNFCCC Secretariat in October 2016. Nepal's NDC includes NAP as no. 1 priority and mentions that 'Nepal has initiated the process for the formulation of NAP.
By Batu Uprety Nov 23, 2018
The funds being allotted by the centre has been stated by the provinces as not being enough for functioning. Be that as it may, but the fact remains that the funds allotted to the provincial governments for the first quarter of the financial year has not been utilised. Karnali Province could just spend 0.62% of what was allotted to it. The maximum utilisation was by Province 3 which spent 4.7% of the money budgeted for it. Hopefully they will not copy what has been a national trend in our country i.e. to spend 70% of the budget during the last two months of the financial year!
By Hemang Dixit Nov 23, 2018
Together with currency depreciation, rising fuel prices have already begun to hurt the people of this import based nation which imports its entire fossil fuel requirement from outside. Looks like days ahead are going to be all the more difficult because in addition to reduction in supply of Iranian oil, Saudi Arabia wants crude output to decline by one million barrel a day.
By Dr. Tilak Rawal Nov 23, 2018
India was the first country to welcome the elections results. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on October 19 extended good wishes to Tshering on his party's victory and welcomed the successful conduct of general election
By Nihar R Nayak Nov 13, 2018
This movement is not without its discontents, nevertheless. A lot of sceptics argue about the unparalleled power that is allowed to an accuser, especially to those who even have the liberty to stay anonymous. Sources of verification when inquired for even by the person against whom an accusation is made if not provided can bring into serious doubts about the validity of the accusation. Some also fear that innocent men can be harmed by this movement if women try to settle scores with them.
By Aditi Aryal Nov 03, 2018
Just above the crystal clear blue, Reservoir of Kulekhani I noticed few containers of the Ropeway still hanging swaying with the cool breeze of the Kulekhani carrying the interesting history of adventures while constructing the first track road
By Chanda Rana Oct 31, 2018